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Because of the days in which we’re living, which appear to be fulfilling Jesus’ warnings in the Olivet Discourse, and as His first and repeated warning is to take care we are not led astray, deceived, misled, each week an international Discussion Panel on Global Vision TV is looking at the different deceptions and warnings, explaining what they are, how to identify them and how to keep yourself away from them.

The international Discussion Panel featured on The Weekend Prog on channel 1 at Global Vision TV, has been looking at many of the false doctrines and groups that are now prevalent in the apostate church, and this week, they look at the NAR – the New Apostolic Reformation. This one is particularly insidious because it bases itself on scripture. With a BIG twist. A few weeks ago, the Panel looked at ‘Dominianism’, Kingdom Now theology and ‘taking the world for Jesus’ by putting Christians into all areas of society from the media to politics and beyond.

The NAR shares many of these ideas, based on post-millennial restoration – assuming we are living in the days after the millennium – the 1,000 year reign of Christ has occurred – only they don’t believe in a literal 1,000 year reign and believe that it will only be established fully by the church! There are many variations of what exactly post-millenialism is but regarding the NAR, their form of post-millennialism says Christ will establish a kind of rulership on the earth over time through increasing success of the gospel. 

Apparently almost 70 million people people have been exposed to the movement which is promoted by church leaders such as names of yore from the so called ‘Toronto Blessing’ days such as Mike Bickle and Randy Clark through to Todd Bentley and Bill Johnson and supported by the TBN, God and Daystar TV networks, IHOP, Charisma Magazine and YWAM.

Started by the late C.Peter Wagner who has the title of Presiding Apostle of the International Coalition of Apostles as well as the Founding Apostle of Eagles Vision Apostolic Team – we have a clue that apostles are important to this movement – and they are. Wagner calls this ‘the Second Apostolic Age’ and he coined the name New Apostolic Reformation as the ‘new wineskin’ God has provided for this new reformation, in a radical change in the way we ‘do church’. He claims that God brought Intercessors and prophets back in vogue to pave the way for the new apostles, with intercessors ‘standing in the gap’ to ‘open the communication between heaven and earth’. He says that “the prophets are the most specifically designated individuals to hear God’s voice and it is their role to receive and make known the divine messages directed to God’s people BUT… most prophets will admit to themselves that they have little idea of what to do with most of the words they receive – it is the apostles working hand in hand with them who have the task of setting in order and implementing what God wants done on Earth in a certain season.”

Wagner says that these apostles are chosen by God Himself. They have ‘exceptional’ authority. They have the spiritual gift of apostle and part of that is ‘strong influence’, they have an assignment or call that frees then to move in authority. They have ‘extraordinary’ character – they are blameless and as sinless as it is possible, with no doubt that holiness of character generates authority. They have ‘followers’ – people willingly submit to them – he uses the phrase ‘no followers, no apostle’ – and they have vision. With their prophets receiving revelation from God they are able to say “ this is what the spirit is saying to the churches right now”.

C Peter Wagner’s list of 12 ministries that according to him, these apostles have: They receive revelation, cast vision, they birth (start new things), they impart – they activate God’s blessings in others, they build, they govern, they teach, they send, they finish, they war – because they’re generals in the army of God and this is where the renowned Cindy Jacobs comes in (Generals International – intercessors), they align generations raising up leaders of the future and they equip.
Why is this wrong? Watch episode 14 of The Discussion Panel on Global Vision TV (below) and download Pastor Anton Bosch’s book excerpts on what Biblical prophets and apostles are. Download Apostles and / or Download Prophets

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