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Happy(?) New Year

Watchman2015I’m finding it very difficult to wish everybody a ‘happy’ new year – which of course I do – knowing that the word The Lord gave me last January (to share the 1st part of a ‘vision’ He gave me 25 years ago) was the start of a final chapter.

The last place I shared this was Wales (The Enemy Within DVD will be out later this month) – but most who call themselves Christians are still blind as they celebrate their way into darkness.

The greatest encouragement is The Lord’s call going forth over the last months, to those ones and twos who are His and have ears to hear and respond. So please, be sure that you have been well discipled* and be ready to disciple those others He brings to you.

The Lord knows who are His and He will not leave them without a Shepherd although we are very aware that He has been removing the men who have been put on pedestals.
We are returning to the small people, the grass roots movement of true believers who have a deep understanding of the New Testament teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ – Yeshua Ha Mashiach (as well as the Old Testament roots of course), but who also actually WALK the walk. Facebook can be a horrible example of those who talk the talk but are not putting HIS words into practice.

On the ‘Sound the Alarm’ DVDs we show how easy it will be for people to hear the dreaded words “away from Me – I never knew you” because they were so busy pontificating forth in His Name, they spent no time with Him OR even doing what He commands. A fearful warning to us all.

Beloved brothers and sisters, powerful tools have been made available for us to use to identify and lead those last souls in this end time harvest. Those who are His will witness and respond to these.

Daniel Project DVD Cover 105x152

1. We have the gospel of the kingdom plus a powerful salvation message in the bonus extras on The Daniel Project.  (



2. For those who won’t watch a documentary, there is the non cheesy thriller which has had stunning reviews from believers and leaves a very clear message for non believers on The Daniel CONNECTION.  (www.thedanielconnection.tvTDC leaflet square




3. There is the Global Vision web TV channel which is about to have another 100+ messages added shortly, which has mini movies from experts and great speakers.  Apart from using it in your own study as a platform, it is a safe environment to which you can send non believers for information on Biblical topics.  (www.gv247.tvGv247 landscape


*4. And last but not least, coming in the next few weeks is the 12 part DVD and download teaching series called The LampLight Project. With over 5 hours of information from Genesis to Revelation crammed in by experts, this will be the essential tool for solo and group Bible study. There is enough info to last at least a year of weekly group studies!  It is a comprehensive overview of the essentials and is just now receiving its final check from contributors, Bible teachers, expositors, pastors and seminary leaders.

There is an accompanying interactive Study Guide linking to around 400 short movies. The website isn’t live yet so click the pic for a link to the trailer. LampLight


BethelDoves5. Finally, at Bethel Communications we have been slowly building up a secure database of believers over many years, scattered around the globe, an online church – the ekklesia – called OUT ones. At the moment we are not connecting anybody until we are sure all the security measures are in place for our safety, but many have already joined up anyway.  (Join Us!)


I truly DO wish each of us a happy new year but know that in reality it will be even tougher for true followers of Christ Jesus. I have put out the warnings on ‘The Enemy Within’ but there are also a couple of articles on our website.

You need to be very, very careful – and very, very wise. We are entering dangerous days and I don’t know how many of us will still be standing for Christ on That Day. However, we can comfort one another with these words as we look up to see our Redemption drawing near.

May His love, joy and peace sustain and strengthen us as we draw ever closer to Him and to other true believers.

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