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Sound The Alarm tours – what are they about?

The 2nd Sound the Alarm tour of the UK – subtitled ‘The Occult Invasion’ started on
14th September 2013 in Scotland and ended in Wales on the 28th.

Deborah Menelaws was joined by author and speaker Johanna Michaelsen whose book ‘The Beautiful Side of Evil’ was a best seller as she shared her testimony and a serious warning after coming out of the deepest occult. She was also heavily featured in the
Wide is the Gate DVD series.

Likewise, Deborah was also brought up in that environment – with psychic abilities and a background in witchcraft. After being gloriously delivered, she only wants to talk about The Lord now – but to her horror she sees many of the old – and some of the worst – occult practices being openly used in the church.
It is an abomination – and yet many sincere Christians are unaware of what they are doing.

The tour was a resounding success as more and more pastors recognise the need for sound teaching in these specialist areas. Many delegates were deeply touched and some set free from strongholds. All glory to God!

Check the Events page for details of the 2014 tour.

The first Sound the Alarm tour with Deborah Menelaws and Caryl Matrisciana continued around the UK, ending in Wales on Sat 3rd November 2012 with many eyes opened and captives set free. All to the Glory of God – it is HIS Word ministered that does this…

The main apostasies entering the church today surround several main issues:

1) Replacement theology – believing that God is finished with Israel and it has been replaced by the church. Therefore God is not a covenant keeping God and His promises are not true. This also has a profound affect on your eschatology

2) Dominionism – taking the land for Jesus etc, Kingdom Now, Latter Rain, Manifest Sons of God – which leads to the so called restoration of the office of Apostle and Prophet. The fashion therefore is to give oneself a Title – unlike the real apostles and prophets who were humble and never brought attention to themselves. Also k/a Third Wave and the NAR – New Apostolic Reformation.

3) Eastern mysticism and the kundalini / jiwa base snake spirits welcomed into a body through an altered state of consciousness brought about by the wrong kind of meditation for example, contemplative prayer, repetitious phrases and labyrinthine walking – or of course ‘soaking’ in another spirit.

4) The latest fashion for the occult – entering trances, spirit travel, levitation through the so called mystical schools.

The Word makes it very clear that a wicked and adulterous generation seeks a sign and that is one of the main signs within itself. Caryl and Deborah have worked in exposing these areas for over 25 years and shared some of their research in the Sound the Alarm conference – shaking many of the people who were there.

Many who were set free have testified to what happened to them after watching and hearing the truth which has set them free. The Lord is SO good and we were personally encouraged that He is STILL inclining His ear – and people are still being set free because they themselves have an ear to hear. What a miracle – because once most people have come under another spirit, another Jesus and another Gospel, it can be very hard for them to hear the Lord calling them out. Worst of all of course is the altered state of consciousness experienced by others who have allowed themselves to be ‘soaked’ and have taken on these other spirits…

The Sound the Alarm DVDs can be ordered through the Sound Teaching Shop if you missed the tour. They contain the 4 sessions:

1) You are already deceived – and deceiving others. Another Gospel

2) Eastern mysticism comes West. Another Spirit

3) Roots of Contemplation. Another Jesus

4) Islam and The Temple. Another Prophet

Please note that these DVDs are strictly copyrighted because of legal issues and the sensitivity of some of the information contained in them, so they may not be copied in ANY way or uploaded to the internet. That is implicit in the agreement when ordering them, therefore, if you want to order more than one set, subsequent DVDs are much cheaper. Just send us an email and we’ll sort it for you.

Finally, documents and articles covering some of what was discussed will be uploaded shortly. Watch this space…

Again and again we are asked to recommend a sound church or fellowship and again and again we have to give the same answer. God has been calling HIS people out of the established churches for some years now as apostasy sets in and there has been a falling away from the True Word of God. Many dear saints have been following the pattern of the first new testament churches and meeting in small groups at home, studying the Bible (we recommend Inductive Bible Study – line upon line, precept upon precept as the Bible interprets itself rather than man’s interpretation), the Lord’s supper, praising (you can use good CDs or sing a cappella if there are no musicians) and praying, receiving their teaching from approved DVDs and visiting speakers etc if there is no Bible teacher in the fellowship.

Bethel Communications was set up in the mid 1980s as a facility to liaise with other similar ministries and share sound teaching. We have a small number of books and DVDs on the website at the moment – the remainder will be available online in the next 6-8 weeks. We also host conferences and speakers as the Lord leads.