Full day conference for Christian women with good teaching, warm fellowship, prayer, praise and worship.
My People Die for Lack of Knowledge: In the light of Bible prophecy and the days in which we’re living, the realisation that there is a concerted attack on the Body of Christ to deliberately lead us AWAY from knowing and therefore communing with our God and Saviour, is something that many Christians find hard to believe.
You were Born for Such a Time as This: In 479BC in ancient Persia (now southern Iran), a beautiful Jewish girl called Hadassa or Esther, was urged by her cousin and guardian Mordecai to present herself in the palace harem… and there begins an incredible adventure filled with intrigue, attempted murder – and a conspiracy to wipe out all the Jews in the Persian Empire – which covered most of the known world at that time.
Risking her life – and through prayer and fasting, God used Esther to turn around that which was meant for harm – and the Jews instituted the Festival of Purim to commemorate their deliverance which is celebrated this weekend.
To be held at Carnegie Conference centre, Dunfermline in Scotland – full details are on the Events Page here.